Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Well, I realize it's been over a month since I've last posted. But it is not for a lack of things to write about! Temperance is growing so much and learning something new everyday! She is now sitting up unsupported. She is also trying so hard to crawl. She still has some work to do there. She is in the rock and roll stage. She will get on all fours and rock. Then get frustrated and roll over. I'll have to post a video of it soon. It's very cute!
She has also fallen in love with books! This is an answer to prayer! I LOVE to read!!! And I've always hoped my children will too. I read to her almost every day. She has gotten to where on certain books, she knows the last page and she will begin to fuss when I get to it knowing the book is almost over. She will cry until I begin to read to her again, or distract her with something else! Isn't that sweet! She is also learning to turn the pages herself. She loves to do this. Sometimes she gets so happy about it, I can hardly get the words on the page out before she has flipped to the next page. It is so cute! We can get through any board book you give us in record time! You would think we were in some kind of speed reading race! Some of her favorites right now seem to include: I Love You Through and Through, Happy Baby Colors and we both love Horns to Toes and In Between. (Sandra Boynton is a great children's writer!) My personal favorite is You Are My I Love You. This isn't one of Tempie's favorites yet though. It is not a board book, so she can't turn the pages as easily. I think that is part of it.
I have so many pictures and videos to share. I will try to take all of Tempie's nap times tomorrow to work on uploading them all. She is so beautiful and so precious. I just love her so much! I hope you are all blessed this week and be on the look out for more posts!

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