Thursday, January 14, 2010

Guess who bit me today!!!

That's right! My little girl bit me this morning! I was so excited. I've never been so happy to have someone bite me. She's been pretty obviously teething the last few days. Everything from the heavy drool to the diaper rash and let us not forget the crying!! Well, this morning she grabed my finger and put it in her mouth (nothing unusual!) and I felt something sharp. It was the corner of a tooth making its way through the skin! I was so excited I ran upstairs and had her bite Bert:) It's not big, or even very visible yet, but it's definitely there. I hope this means a slow down to the fussing...we'll see.

I love her so much! She's growing so fast and learning so much right now! She's just started laughing in the last week or so. We're still working on getting a good video of that. Which means we have lots and lots of video of us doing silly stupid things and her just staring at us! Yesterday she also rolled over from her stomach to her back for the first time generally unassisted. She's definitely making progress in rolling in both directions. Soon she'll be mobile! We'll upload a video of her rolling skills (or attempts) soon. I love you all friends and family! May you have a blessed week. And may you find joy in the bites life gives you!


  1. Time for steak... you get the T-bone & she gets the bone! (Then Copper & Sadie)

  2. I am so excited to be able to keep up with your progress as well as Tempie's. It is such a joy to watch, especially being so far away. Hug her often for me. And...

    Tempie, love your mom and dad. You couldn't ask for better. They love the Lord first, each other next aand of course your with all their heart. So take to heart what they try to teach you and be patient with the little fumbles that they, like all new parents, will make from time to time. I love you tons... Nana

  3. Oh, wow! I watched the video before reading the blog and thought Bert was taunting her with a muffin she couldn't eat...I thought at one point that she had licked it and he grabbed it back...I thought he was being so mean! Now, after reading about what he was doing, I just think it is so sweet, all the experiences you are giving her. What fun you are all having together! God Bless!

  4. By the way...I love the new look of your blog...I need to take some time to personalize mine, too!

  5. AHHH!!! I cant wait to see you!!!! I cant wait to hold Tempie and play with her and make her laugh and feel her tooth!!! And hang out with the coolest sister/mother of my beautiful niece ever!!!

  6. Alright...........changes every day now. She sure is growing fast and learning to enjoy herself! Discovering herself. Becoming the child God created through you and Bert. He gets all the Praise.

  7. I love you babe! You are doing a great job with the blog and an even greater job at being a mom!
