Saturday, August 7, 2010

Afternoon lunch rollercoaster

Parenting can be such a rollercoaster of emotions!!!  Today's lunch would serve as example #1.  I had the hardest time getting her to eat her cereal.  She kept whacking the spoon and telling me she was done.  Mind you, this is the first things she's eaten for lunch, she's not full!  We've been having such struggles at meal times.  Sometimes she wants baby food, sometimes she wants grown up food.  Sometimes she's just being plain stubborn and doesn't want to eat at all.  So, I was very frustrated by the time we got most of the cereal in her.  Bert and I were eating a pizza for lunch.  We like the California Kitchen Margarita pizza.  We will often give her the tomatoes and chunks of cheese off the pizza.  She really likes it.  She's very partial to tomatoes and to pesto flavored things.  She was gobbling it up this time!!  I was very happy she was finally eating something willingly.  Then I wanted to see if she could handle the crust of the pizza as well.  So I let her chew on it a little.  She did great.  So eventually I just gave her the last bit of my pizza.  She ate it up with ease!  She even waited till she had swallowed one bite before taking another.  (Major accomplishment!)  I was elated and so proud!!  She's my little girl!  I love her so.  Here's a video of her eating some pizza.  I think it leaves you hanging at the end, but no need to worry, she handled that big bite just fine!  And soon after, she dropped the pizza and it was no more!!  Copper the winner this time!

1 comment:

  1. Pizza before she is one!!! Isn't it so funny how we all start out so careful, then just say...well, let's try it?! Kids are bouyant, they bounce back from anything...what they don't like today, they will love next week. Glad you are open to trying new things with her, but also wondering if she will always need new things...hahaha...oh, we girls can be hard to please sometimes!
