Thursday, March 11, 2010


Peeps: Nutritional Value: -150 Entertainment Value: Priceless!!!


  1. She is so awesome! Growing and learning everyday. And I love it when she gets that foot going! Thanks for sharing. It's nice to be able to watch her as often as I want. I watch all three of you growing as a family and marvel again at how very good and gracious God really is.

  2. Oh my goodness that is awesome. Claire laughed out loud the other day for the first time, and I've been trying to get her to do it again ever since. Maybe I should go get a box of peeps.

  3. Love this video...did you try my "booga booga booga" trick yet? She never seems to get tired of it once she finds something to laugh at! Such a happy girl!

  4. Her little laugh is enough to melt your heart to pieces!! And she is definitely your little girl--loving those peeps only at 5 months!
